So, what is the circular economy?
This harmonized economy cleverly uses resources, reuse, repair and shared models, while waste is minimized or eliminated. Businesses produce longer-lasting, better quality goods; consumers benefit from cleaner communities, superior everyday items, and lifestyle convenience.
Everyone wins in this virtuous cycle.
Here’s how we at Fulfill Shoppe, along with our friends at Tradle, Modo and Perk Eco, make no waste living convenient, accessible and affordable for busy Vancouverites:
Delivery of Household Goodies and Groceries
Fulfill Shoppe makes it effortless for families to participate in the circular economy by offering easy re-ordering, zero emissions pick up & delivery and no waste packaging. We are your family’s trusted one-stop shop for low waste sustainable living, and we take that role seriously.
We’ll deliver groceries and household items to your door to save you precious shopping and driving time each week, keep your vehicle off the road and avoid corralling kids for a trip to the store. Use our jar and bag program and we will deliver, pickup, clean and refill for you.

Thanks to your collective effort, in just one year we rescued over 20,000 single use plastics and over 12,000 plastic bottles from entering our communities! 😲 We’re serious about keeping our community squeaky clean.
Zero Coffee Shop Waste (yes, really)
Vancouverites love their coffee, but not the waste it produces. Now thanks to local business Perk Eco, we can enjoy guilt-free caffeine while contributing to the circular economy. Keeping our neighbourhood bins free of disposable coffee mugs and waste is deceptively simple: fire up the map locator on the Perk website to locate a green cafe. Next? Sip a latte knowing that 100% of the coffee shop waste is recycled by Perk Eco. All, waste? Yup! Even granola bar wrappers and stir sticks get recycled.
Supporting green coffee shops which recycle their waste with Perk Eco is a simple, impactful choice that doesn’t require habit or lifestyle changes.
Perk is so serious about zero waste in our community, they intercept materials bound for the landfill and upcycle them into beautiful, durable consumer goodies like coffee husk pet beds. Everything comes full circle at Perk Eco.
Subscription Service Baby Clothes
What if a community of parents could simplify their lives by circulating baby wardrobes instead of sorting through hand-me downs or buying new? Well, that’s exactly what Tradle, a local Vancouver startup offers!
This affordable clothing service is easy on new parents and the planet because it operates on a sustainable ‘wear, outgrow, exchange, repeat’, zero waste cycle.
Tradle’s capsule wardrobes are curated just for you with clothes from top, local brands. Mix-and-match outfits, easy exchanges and joyful deliveries make shopping for baby clothes a fun way for overwhelmed parents to support sustainability. Tradle is closing the loop on textile waste, one onesie at a time.
Carsharing (and Shedding)
Vancouverites enjoy the freedom of Modo car sharing as an opportunity to own less and live more. Cars are expensive and spend 95% of their lives parked, anyways. Carsharing offers an affordable way for families to avoid the exorbitant cost and hassle of a second vehicle—without sacrificing lifestyle. Never circle the block looking for parking again!
With the most diverse fleet in BC, families aren’t the only ones steered towards Modo. Small businesses—like Fulfill Shoppe supplier Susgrainable—are saving money with wheels on demand, serving their customers and contributing to the circular economy.
As a member owned co-op, Modo has a stake in helping the community grow and thrive with the flexibility of sustainable, reliable transportation. In fact, once Modo enters a neighbourhood, roughly 10-13 cars are removed from the streets. Now that’s a pretty impressive sphere of influence.
Wanna try Modo? New members get $50 in free drive time when they sign up online using the code FULFILLSHOPPE
Like a freight train, the circular economy is coming
Sustainability through the circular economy is a simple way we can collectively preserve the natural beauty of British Columbia today, and for future generations. Oh, and the best part? It’s easy to get started, affordable to maintain and convenient for our busy lives.
We’re lucky sustainability is made simple by local businesses, because on January 1, 2022, single use items like disposable cups and takeout containers will be regulated as part of an eco mandate imposed by the City of Vancouver.
Don’t worry, we got this! Vancouverites are used to recycling, bike lanes and avoiding the dreaded plastic bag. We understand the importance of making ethical choices to keep our community beautiful—bring it on.
In the meantime, we’re excited to show you what’s new at Fulfill Shoppe!